Is Brûly-de-Pesche 1940 currently open?
Check out our opening hours online.
We therefore recommend that you buy your tickets in advance via our ticketing.
Do I need to book my visit in advance?
The number of visitors per visit is limited.
We therefore recommend that you buy your tickets in advance via our ticketing.
How much does it cost to visit the Brûly-de-Pesche Memorial site?
Check out our online rates.
Book your visit and buy your tickets via our ticketing.
Where can I buy my tickets for a visit?
Book your visit and buy your tickets via our ticketing.
Can I smoke in the area of Hitler's Bunker?

In accordance with Belgian legislation and to protect the health of all visitors, smoking is prohibited throughout the Hitler’s Bunker area.
The law defines smoking as not only the use of tobacco but also products like electronic cigarettes, which are subject to the same rules als traditional cigarettes.
Are dogs allowed on the tour?
No, unfortunately dogs are not allowed to accompany you during the tour.
Can I take pictures during the tour?
Photos are allowed in the buildings without flash.
Is the tour accessible to people with reduced mobility?
Access to the buildings is possible via a sloping surface system.
The park is not wheelchair accessible.